The Broadview Hotel
Photo: Worker Bee Supply

Broadview Hotel

The Broadview Hotel on Queen Street East is one of Toronto’s oldest hotels. Originally built in 1891, the building has morphed through many incarnations and renovations: from Dingman’s Hall, through to the New Broadview Hotel, Lincoln Hotel, and, finally, the infamous Jilly’s. In 2017, the building was redeveloped yet again into the Broadview Hotel, a sprightly fifty-eight room boutique destination in the east end.

DesignAgency’s strategy was to retain and enhance the building's authentic character. Prior to renovations, they peeled back layers of wallpaper to reveal one of the original patterns that was still on the walls of what is now the lobby bar and café. With this vintage scrap of Toronto's past, the design team worked with Rollout to research and identify the original 19th century European tile pattern in blue. We then recreated the pattern as a custom wallpaper.